February 19, 2005

DOS/16M error when starting Orion2v140

For those of you that experience this error message when starting Orion2v140:

DOS/16M error: [17] system software does not follow VCPI or DPMI specifications

There is a simple solution. Edit your autoexec2.nt file (in C:\windows\system32 folder typically) and remove 'lh' from one or two of the lines in the file. The error occurs because you are out of high memory and dosx did not load because of that.


Anonymous said...

I am a bit confused. I tried to take out the "lh" and it still gave me the same error messege or similar to it. does this look right?

@echo off
REM ___________________________________________
REM : :
REM : Autoexec2.nt for Master of Orion II :
REM : :
REM : By Lord Brazen :
REM :___________________________________________:

REM Load DOS mode CD-ROM support


REM Load DOS mode DPMI support


REM Set parameters for Sound Blaster Emulation

SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3

REM Load DOS mode Kali support

SET Kali=C:\PROGRA~1\Kali95\

Lord Brazen said...

Your file looks fine.

This exact error message occurs when dosx_sp1.exe does not load into memory.

This can occur if dosx_sp1 does not exist or if there is not enough memory for it to load.

Verify that dosx_sp1.exe exists in the c:\windows\system32 folder.

Also verify the properties of the game shortcut. Make sure that the DMPI is on auto on the memory tab. Also, try DPMI on 16384 rather than auto. If you used the patch to create a desktop icon then these parameters should be setup already.

Anonymous said...

I also and still have this problem. Would upgrading XP from Home edition help? Genius

Anonymous said...

Solved the blasted error in my case.

The problem is located at C:\windows\system32\config.nt

You will see this two (2) lines:

REM device=%SystemRoot%\system32\himem.sys
REM files=40

REMOVE the text "REM" so is should look like this:

then try loading your program it should work just fine

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